"... for love of the land and of life, the humility and awe before Nature, and the hope and faith in the future that is inherent in cattlemen and cattlewomen" AN EXCERPT FROM THE CATTLEWOMEN'S CREED |
We are Texas CattleWomen. We provide an organization through which women function collectively to protect their industry, work toward solutions of beef cattle problems, to inform consumers of the importance of the industry and of the contributions it makes to the economy of the nation. Because of the prevalence of misinformation about BEEF, CattleWomen strive to provide science-based information to consumers regarding the nutritional benefits of BEEF in a healthy diet. The continuing progress and prosperity of the industry is the mainstay of all our activities. The number of people in our business decreases each year,
Texas CattleWomen participate in several ongoing state projects...
When you join us, you become part of a supportive network that starts in your local community, expands across the State of Texas, and encompasses the entire country... united in purpose, sharing your passion, protecting your future. The Texas CattleWomen, Inc.’s organization consists of local organizations that function not only to support State and National goals, but also to support of their own communities. Each local chapter chooses its own name, determines what officers it will elect and committees it will name, chooses when and how often it will meet, writes its own by-laws (which must coordinate with the State Constitution and By-Laws), sets its own dues and plans its own projects in addition to participating in State and National projects. There are locals with as few as 5-10 members and some with well over a hundred. There is no set number to organize or continue a group. It is the work and cooperation of the members that count. Women without access to an organized local group may join Texas CattleWomen as a member-at-large (paying state dues only). At the national level, when you join our Texas organization, you are encouraged to join the American National CattleWomen. Membership in ANCW is required by the Texas CattleWomen, Inc. By-Laws for all state officers and board of director members. | TEXAS CATTLEWOMEN, INC. is an affiliate of the American National CattleWomen and is an independent organization, not an auxiliary to any other organization. When you join this organization, you become a member of a lively group of women with similar interests and proud partners with their families and friends in the great BEEF industry. ![]() FEATURED EVENTS